Some rich B******’s ship

This evening (14th. August) was the first evening for some time that promised a good sunset in Mykonos. Recently the weather has been too hazy and the sun has merely sunk into a bank of cloud.

Tonight was different. There is nothing quite like sitting in one of the tavernas or bars in Little Venice (my favourite is Rhapsody – wonderful, friendly place, with great cocktails) and watching the sun go down over Rhinia. There were a few pleasure boats – one large semi-rigid, a sailing catamaran and a cruise ship (FTI Berlin) moored up, nicely out of the way of the couple of thousand people waiting to watch the spectacle.

And what happened? About ten minutes before the sun touched the horizon, a large private yacht swanned into the bay, and anchored in the spot where they’d have a nice view of the sunset, and exactly where they’d deprive EVERYONE else of seeing it.

It bore a startling resemblance to Queen Aida ( but I wait to be proved wrong on the ship’s position.

Whoever the owner or current charterer is, you have behaved in an extremely selfish manner. You have given many, many people the impression that you consider that your money gives you the right to put your own pleasure first and also gives you the right to consider everyone else as beneath you.

I hope your boat sinks.

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